Oselvar boats for sale

Oselvar workshop builds Oselvar boats to order
, repairs boats and takes on consulting assignments relating to documentation and assessment of boats. The workshop has a delivery time of around one to two years for new boats, and a 6-12-month waiting time for major repairs.

The price in 2023 for a seaworthy rowing boat starts at NOK 160,000. For sailboats there is an additional charge of NOK 60-75,000, depending on the size and quality of the sail. We build boats of all sizes, æring (one pair of oars), færing (two pairs of oars), seksæring (three pairs), åttring (four pairs), tiæring (five pairs) and tolværing (six pairs of oars). Remember that the length is measured internally, and the outer length will be approximately 20 cm longer than the stated measurement. Click here for the price list for 2023.

Berit, Solveig and Einar in a freshly varnished four-oar Oselvar boat on the Bjørnafjord